Flowz mobile app
... capture the energy reception / storage / distribution data and your machines' running hours …
Energy, and fuels in particular, can account for 10-25% of the total cost of operation in mining, quarrying, earthmoving, infrastructure construction, logging, etc. How do you ensure that every drop of fuel you pay for is actually used in your equipment?
How do you ensure that every drop of fuel you pay for is actually and properly used in your equipment?
Theft of fuel or other energy consumables, documentation and traceability of the energy supply and consumption chain, provision of reliable and usable data in a timely manner: the operation of energy reception, storage or distribution facilities poses many challenges.
The deployment of sensors and a specialised information system may require months of project time, several tens of thousands of euros of investment, the mobilisation of specific resources, etc. Finally, for activities with project durations limited to a few months or a few years, you may not get the means or the return on investment for such a project.
To make it easier and faster for you to monitor your energy costs, equipment usage and associated greenhouse gas emissions.